



1、I am not prepared to be in the menu any longer. ?我再也不打算呆在菜单上了。

2、What are you looking at? ?
- Don't know, but it sure is ugly. ?
- 你看什么看? ?
- 不知道,不过还真难看。

3、What's a best friend for if he cannot bring a daddy and his boy together? ?死党有什么用,如果他不能帮父子和好?

4、We're way too fluffy. Fluffy don't float. ?我们毛茸茸的。毛茸茸的东西浮不起来。

5、Far wild maverick outcasts like us who cannot be tamed... ?像我们这样特立独行的人是无法被驯服的。

6、Everything in this world, no matter how big, no matter how small, is connected in ways we never expected. ?这世上的一切,无论多么巨大,无论多么渺小,都有着千丝万缕的联系,出乎我们意料。

7、But if I love the few, who will love the many? ?但是如果我只爱少数几个,谁来爱那么多个呢?

8、You know, when things go wrong, running away is not the answer. Okay? You have to find within yourself a way to handle it. ?要知道,事情进展不顺利时,逃避并不能解决问题。知道吗?你得自己找到处理方法。

9、If you want it, you must will it! If you will it, it will be yours! ?如果你想要得到一件东西,你就要下决心。如果你下定了决心,你就会得到它。

10、Sometimes, when you are a little different, the world will laugh at you. ?有时,当你有点不一样的时候,这个世界会嘲笑你。

11、My mother says, "Every obstacle is an opportunity." ?我妈妈说,每个障碍都是一个机会。

12、It's part of the job of life to find out who you are and what you got. ?人生的意义在于发现自我,并找到自己的长处。

13、Ya, dag! You be apologizing, or I'm gonna tear you a new nostril. ?老兄,你最好道歉,不然我就赏你一个新鼻孔。

14、He lacks like a rainbow. Like a rainbow with man-chichis. ?他看起来像一道彩虹。一道有着爷们胸部的彩虹

15、I'm sick of swarming. We've been swarming all our lives. ?我厌倦虾群了,我们这辈子都在群居。

16、I, Willy Williams, leave everything to my imagination. ?我,威尔威廉斯,把我所有的财产都留给我的幻想。
